Focus on the Fundamentals To Achieve Viral Success on TikTok (Office Hours)

Dennis · June 16, 2022

Focus on the Fundamentals To Achieve Viral Success on TikTok (Office Hours)

In this episode of Office Hours, Dennis Yu talks about “the secret” to viral success on TikTok. Many self-proclaimed ads “experts” will charge you thousands of dollars to reveal the secret to you. Here, Dennis reveals the secret at almost no cost. The secret is doing what he has been preaching all this time, which is to focus on the fundamentals. Learn how to find massive success in your campaigns on TikTok through this course.

About Instructor


Dennis Yu is co-author of the #1 best-selling book on Amazon in social media, The Definitive Guide to TikTok Ads.  He has spent a billion dollars on Facebook ads across his agencies and agencies he advises. Mr. Yu is the "million jobs" guy-- on a mission to create one million jobs via hands-on social media training, partnering with universities and professional organizations.

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Course Includes

  • 1 Module