The Art and Science of Newsjacking (Office Hours)

Newsjacking is how you influence the people (not the audience that you want to buy or engage) but the people who influence those people. With Dennis in this episode is David Meerman Scott, which is a prolific speaker, author, and content creator who is most famous for the word "Newsjacking" which describes the scene where you insert your expertise into a breaking news story. In this episode, Dennis and David go deep into how you can use "Newsjacking" for your business and how you can prepare for the newsbreak of tomorrow.
Dennis · November 29, 2022

About Instructor


Dennis Yu is co-author of the #1 best-selling book on Amazon in social media, The Definitive Guide to TikTok Ads.  He has spent a billion dollars on Facebook ads across his agencies and agencies he advises. Mr. Yu is the "million jobs" guy-- on a mission to create one million jobs via hands-on social media training, partnering with universities and professional organizations.

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