The Nine Triangles Framework

The Nine Triangles Framework

Failing and Succeeding to See the Bigger Picture


Four years at BlitzMetrics. Four years of diving headfirst into the exciting world of digital marketing and web development. Four years of learning, growing, and, yes, stumbling. Today, I want to share some of those stumbles, not to dwell on the mistakes, but to illuminate a common pitfall that plagues virtual assistants (VAs) and can derail even the most well-intentioned projects: failing to truly understand the Goals, Content, Targeting (GCT) of a task or project.

This lack of understanding can manifest in various ways:

  • Misinterpreting instructions: You’re given the task of creating social media posts for a new product launch. You whip up some engaging content, only to discover it’s completely off-brand or misses the target audience.
  • Missing the mark on GCT: You think you know what the goals are, but by not practicing active listening (conversational MAA), you miss the mark and fail to see the bigger picture of the project or tasks Goals, Content, & Targeting.
  • Delivering the wrong results: You’re asked to research competitor analysis, but you present irrelevant information or miss key insights.

These scenarios, while frustrating, are entirely avoidable. By embracing the core principles of BlitzMetrics’ Nine Triangles Business Framework, we can equip ourselves with the tools to consistently deliver exceptional results.

The Nine Triangles: The Why, How, & What of Success


The Nine Triangles framework is a powerful tool for businesses seeking clarity and alignment. It breaks down your business into three distinct sections, each representing a crucial aspect: mission, marketing, and business. These can be thought of as the “why,” “how,” and “what” of your organization.

Mission: This section focuses on the core values, purpose, and impact your business strives for. It answers the question: “Why are we here?” Defining your mission provides direction and ensures everyone within the company is working towards a shared goal.

  • Specialist, Business, Partner (SBP): Specialists, skilled individuals with certifications and processes, execute the work. The Business defines the “why,” guiding the agency’s mission and niche impact. Partners, like industry associations, act as bridges, connecting the agency with its target audience within their niche, fostering collaboration and growth.

Marketing: This area delves into the strategies and tactics you employ to reach your target audience. It tackles questions like: “How do we connect with our ideal customers?” and “What channels will resonate most with them?” By having a clear marketing plan, you can effectively attract the right audience and build meaningful relationships.

  • Goals, Content, Targeting (GCT): Always start by understanding the project’s overall goals, content, and targeting. Ask clarifying questions, confirm your understanding, and align your actions with the Nine Triangles framework.
  • Metrics, Analysis, Action (MAA): Use data and analytics to measure progress, identify areas for improvement, and take corrective action. Actively listen to the data and what your teammates or clients are telling you. Translate these insights into actionable steps and validate your thinking with open communication.

Business: This section focuses on the nuts and bolts of your operation, addressing questions like: “What products or services do we offer?” and “How do we generate revenue?” By understanding your business model and key processes, you can optimize your operations and achieve sustained growth.

    • Do, Delegate, Delete (DDD): Focus on core tasks that require your specific expertise and contribute directly to project goals. Next, assign repetitive or time-consuming tasks to colleagues or outsource them to free up your time for higher-value activities. Finally, eliminate unnecessary tasks that don’t contribute to overall goals or add value.
    • Communicate, Iterate, Delegate (CID): Maintain open communication with team members and clients, practice active listening and iterate based on feedback, delegating tasks effectively when appropriate.
    • Learn, Do, Teach (LDT): Continuously learn through online courses, attend office hours, and actively seek feedback. Apply your knowledge by doing to build credibility before sharing your knowledge and experience with others, solidifying your understanding.
    • Content, Checklists, Software (CCS): Develop a strong content creation ability, rely on pre-made checklists to ensure consistency, and leverage the power of relevant software to streamline tasks.
  • Marketing, Operations, Finance (MOF): Analyze data to understand target audience preferences, develop content strategies, and manage marketing campaigns. Implement processes and workflows to ensure efficient task management, project delivery, and client communication. Track budgets, analyze campaign performance, and optimize spending to maximize ROI (Return on Investment).

The beauty of the Nine Triangles framework lies in its interconnected nature. Each section informs and influences the others. A strong mission guides your marketing strategy, which in turn fuels your business operations. By constantly evaluating and refining each section, you ensure your business is operating in harmony and moving towards its ultimate goals.

The Power of Active Listening

Active listening, a powerful conversational form of MAA, deserves special attention. It’s more than just nodding your head; it’s about confirming your understanding by rephrasing the request or complaint in your own words and asking for confirmation. This simple step can prevent a multitude of misunderstandings and ensure you’re always working towards the right goals.

Trust me, a few minutes of actively listening can save you hours of rework and frustration down the line. Now, back to my confession booth. Remember those near-disasters? This is how I learned to:

  • Ask clarifying questions before jumping into action.
  • Utilize checklists and templates for consistency and efficiency.
  • Align my content creation with the target audience and campaign goals.
  • Communicate openly and regularly with team members and clients.
  • Analyze data and iterate on my approach for better results.

Remember, the journey to becoming a stellar VA is paved with both success and lessons learned in failure. By embracing principles of the Nine Triangles framework, we can transform those setbacks into valuable learning experiences and equip ourselves for a fulfilling and impactful career.

So, the next time you receive a task, take a deep breath, listen actively to understand the GCT, and apply these principles. You’ll be amazed at how much smoother, more efficient, and impactful your work becomes!

The Final Takeaway: Avoiding the #1 VA Mistake

The number one mistake I see VAs make is failing to grasp the GCT of a project. This can be easily avoided by practicing the LDT, CCS, and CID principles. By actively listening and fostering clear communication and iteration, VAs can avoid common pitfalls and become invaluable assets to their clients.

Remember, the digital marketing journey is a continuous learning process. By acknowledging our mistakes, embracing feedback, and prioritizing active listening, we can transform from blundering VAs to strategic partners, leaving a trail of satisfied clients and successful campaigns in our wake. So, let’s learn, do, teach, and listen our way to digital marketing mastery!


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